The dirt on dirt
Looking for top soil for your new garden? Two master gardeners wrote in with these suggestions:
I like to shop for soil, mulch, etc. at Rocky Top Resources. Fred and John are great for advice. They are located at 1755 E. Las Vegas Street, between Nevada and South Circle (579-9103). You can pick it up or have it delivered by the truck full or go by with some bags and get as much as you want. You can go with a straight top soil, or get a good blend of top soil and compost called "Topsoil Mix - 60% organic", or a straight 100% organic topsoil amendment.
Since you are filling above ground beds, not amending existing soil, I would recommend using a soil mix such as Tri-mix. I believe Pioneer, C&C and Rocky Mountain all can provide it. All you would need to do is fill the beds and fertilize them several times during the growing season.
The soil mix I got from C&C includes compost from the Coors brewery in Golden... barley, hops, etc. So I have a beer garden!
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