Wednesday, June 20, 2007

If this week's heat didn't kill you fungus, these things will

Earlier this month I had a problem with Early Blight (i.e. brown spots) on my tomatoes. This is a fungus that can effect the leaf, stem and fruit. If you see it, remove damaged leaves and stems. Then spritz the plant with a good anti-fungal spray. Most garden stores should have a vegetable safe, natural option. After taking both these steps, my tomatoes are quickly coming back to life. They are green and leafy, and I even have a few dollar-sized fruit.
I also had a problem, and usually do, with powdery mildew on my cucumbers. It's a fungus on the leaves that makes them crack and turn a sort of dusty white. There's a simple fix. Mix baking soda with water in a spray bottle and spray the leaves. The change in PH will kill the rot. It shouldn't come back in the summer heat. If it does, you might be watering your cucumbers too much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 12:05:00 AM PST  

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